Facts and Myths about Civil Wars
Policy-Oriented Conference
Please note: This page refers to an event that has already taken place.
Thursday, 17 June 2010 09:00-17:00
PRIO, Hausmanns gate 7, Oslo
This conference marks the end of the three-year European Science Foundation-sponsored ‘GROW’ project Disaggregating the Study of Civil War, involving PRIO/NTNU, University of Essex, and ETH Zurich. While the panel discussions focus on issues central to the GROW project, results from the project will also be disseminated in the form of posters, copies of journal articles, and demonstration of a new, user-friendly conflict visualization tool. The three panels include three people each, involving both academicians (from GROW and beyond) and representatives from NGO/policy communities.
Please register with seminar@prio.no if you want to attend this conference. Contact Johan Dittrich Hallberg (johandh@prio.no) for comments and questions.
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