Idean Salehyan left PRIO in 2012. The information on this page is kept for historical reasons.
Idean Salehyan is an External Associate at PRIO.
Research Interests
Guest researcher at CSCW the summer of 2005.
PRIO started tracking events online in 2007. This listing is not complete. Past events may be mentioned in our news archive.
The following publications are specific to the Centre for the Study of Civil War. A more complete list may be available at
All Publications
Peer-reviewed Journal Article
Salehyan, Idean; David Cunningham & Kristian Skrede Gleditsch (2011) Explaining External Support for Insurgent Groups, International Organization 66(4): 709–744.
Cunningham, David; Idean Salehyan & Kristian Skrede Gleditsch (2009) It Takes Two: A Dyadic Analysis of Civil War Duration and Outcome, Journal of Conflict Resolution 53(4): 570–597.
Schultz, Kenneth; Idean Salehyan & Kristian Skrede Gleditsch (2008) Fighting at Home, Fighting Abroad: How Civil Wars Lead to International Disputes, Journal of Conflict Resolution 52(4): 479–506.
Salehyan, Idean & Kristian Skrede Gleditsch (2006) Refugees and the Spread of Civil War, International Organization 60(2): 335–366.
Book Chapter
Salehyan, Idean & Kristian Skrede Gleditsch (2008) Civil War and Interstate Disputes, in Strøm, Kaare; & Magnus Öberg, eds, Resources, Governance and Civil Conflict. London: (58–76).
Conference Paper
Cunningham, David; Kristian Skrede Gleditsch & Idean Salehyan (2009) The Enemy of My Enemy Deserves My Support: Transnational Support for Insurgent Groups, presented at American Political Science Association, Toronto, Ontario, 4 September.
Gleditsch, Kristian Skrede; Idean Salehyan & Kenneth Schultz (2007) The Civil Peace: Exploring the Relationship between Civil and International Conflict, presented at the 48th Annual Metting of the International Studies Association, Chicago, IL, 28 February–3 March.
Gleditsch, Kristian Skrede & Idean Salehyan (2004) Refugees and the Spread of Civil War, presented at a workshop on 'Resources, Governance Structures, and Civil War', Uppsala, 13–18 April.