Research Interests
My current research focuses broadly on Turkey's domestic and foreign policies with a particular emphasis on the Middle East. In the realm of foreign policy, this includes Turkey's regional role, its geopolitical shifts as well as its international humanitarian outreach. In the domestic arena, my research has been related to the issues of democratisation, Kurdish-Turkish relations, gender, and political Islam. In addtion, I maintain my interest in civil-military relations in transitional democracies.
A related secondary theme using Turkey as a case is the role of rising powers in peacebuilding and humanitarianism.
Languages spoken
English, Norwegian, Turkish, Brazilian Portuguese, French, Spanish
Working experience
1998–Present: Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)
Sept 2018 - present: Senior Researcher, PRIO
Aug 2013 - Sept 2018: Senior Researcher, based in Brazil
2011–Aug 2013: Research Director, Dimensions of Security
2010–2011: Programme Leader, Conflict Resolution and Peace Building
2009–2010: Senior Researcher
1998–2009: Research, Security Programme
1995–1997: Reseacher, Center for European and Asian Studies, Norwegian School of Management, BI.
1993–1995: Various positions including Teaching, translation and personal assistance.
Academic visitorships
2003 - Fulbright research scholarship, Georgetown University, Washington.
2001 (October) - Visiting Research fellow at Centre for Eurasian Strategic Studies (ASAM) in Ankara, Turkey.
2009 -
Dr. Philos. in Political Science, Uniaversity of Oslo/PRIO.
Dissertation title: Turkey's military élite at a crossroad: Paths to desecuritisation?"
1993 -
Master of Philosophy in International Relations - Security Studies, University of St. Andrews, Scotland.
M.Phil thesis: “Ecofeminism: Critique or critical theory?”
1990 -
Bachelor of Arts Honours in French and Politics (including one year spent at Literature Faculty of Université de Nantes, France as part of French language degree). University of Keele, England.