Workshop hosted by the NUPI-PRIO SIP on Failed States and Regional Insecurity and the working group on Transnational and International Facets of Civil War within the Centre for the Study of Civil War (CSCW).
Each presenter will get 20 minutes to present their paper, and the discussant will have 10 minutes followed by a 30 minutes plenary discussion
Start 09.00: Welcome and introduction
9.15 Publication discussion. Should we aim at publishing a special issue of Comparative Social Research?
Brief introduction by Kristian Berg Harpviken (see draft Call for Papers).
10.15 Coffee
10.30 Pavel Baev (PRIO) ‘State-building and State-failure in Central Asia: Regional dynamics and the role of Russia
Discussant: Jens Chr. Andvig
11.30 Anita Haslie (NUPI) ‘External statebuilding and the challenge of the context’
Discussant: Kristian Berg Harpviken
12.30 Lunch (at Elvebredden restaurant)
14.00 Axel Borchgrevink (NUPI) ‘Bordering Ethiopia: States and cross-border conflict dynamics in the Horn of Africa’
Discussant: Pavel Baev
15.00 Kristian Berg Harpviken, ‘Afghanistan: Torn between regional security complexes’
Discussant: Stein Sundstøl Eriksen
16.00 Sum up
End 16.30