Civic and Uncivic Values in Macedonia

Value Transformation, education, and media

Please note: This page refers to an event that has already taken place.

Time: Fri 28 (09:00) - Sat 29 (17:00) October 2011
Place: PRIO, Hausmanns gate 7, Oslo

The workshop is part of the larger project "Civic and Uncivic Values among the Yugoslav Successor States", the main output of which is a book series comprising 8 volumes in total that focus on democratic values among the states which once constituted the Socialist Federated Republic of Yugoslavia, from the late 1980s (when political transformation began in earnest) to today. In phase 1 conferences were held devoted to Slovenia (in 2003) and to Croatia (in 2004). In phase 2 a conference was held devoted to Serbia in 2008, and a conference on Bosnia-Herzegovina in October 2009. This phase expands the coverage to Macedonia and Kosovo in 2012.

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