Contact Information
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NO-0186 Oslo
Tel.: +47 22 54 77 00
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Popular Article
Gleditsch, Nils Petter (2009) Mappene våre [Our Files], Rettferd og politikk. Festskrift til Hilde Bojer, 18 December.
Gleditsch, Nils Petter (2009) Krenkende kritikk [Injurious Criticism], Dagbladet, 27 November.
Gleditsch, Nils Petter (2009) Fra opprørere til statsstøtter? [From Rebels to Pillars of the State?], Dagbladet, 20 November.
Master Thesis
Gomsrud, Lars Seland (2009) Market Capitalism and Interstate War. Limits to Universality in International Relations. MA thesis, Sociology and Political Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).
Conference Paper
Gates, Scott; Lars Seland Gomsrud & Håvard Strand (2009) Surviving the Capitalist Peace: Leaders' Incentives and Economic FreedomPotsdam, Germany, 10 September.